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What’s the best contraception method for me?

  • Contraception (also called birth control or family planning) allows you to prevent pregnancy or plan when you want to get pregnant. 
  • You have a right to use contraception if you don’t want to have a baby or aren’t ready to have one. 
  • There are different types of contraception methods and some might suit you more than others.  
  • It's both partners’ responsibility to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  • Remember, condoms are the only type of contraception that protect you from HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well as pregnancy. 

What is contraception?

Contraception (also called birth control or family planning) prevents pregnancy by stopping sperm from meeting an egg during sex. Some methods, such as condoms, create a barrier between the sperm and the egg (sometimes called ‘barrier contraception’). Others release something (normally hormones) that interrupts a woman or transgender man’s fertility cycle (sometimes called ‘hormonal contraception’). If taken properly, hormonal contraception temporarily stops you from being able to get pregnant.

Is contraception safe?

Yes! The methods described on this page are all safe. 

Some contraception can have side-effects. For example, some people find it affects their mood or makes them gain or lose weight. You can always change your method of contraception if you're experiencing side-effects that you don’t like. Knowing your contraception options can help you work out which one is right for you. 

How do I choose the best type of contraception for me?

When deciding about birth control, think about: 

  • how long you want your contraception to last 

  • whether you’ll remember to take a pill every day or have privacy to take it if you don't want other people to know

  • if you want something you use only when having sex and whether you’ll remember it every time  

  • how you will prevent STIs as well as pregnancy 

  • if you plan to get pregnant soon  

  • any health conditions you have and medication you are taking 

  • what options are available where you are

  • how it makes you feel and whether you experience any side effects.

What are the different types of contraception?


Condoms are the only contraception that prevents HIV and STIs as well as pregnancy. But for them to work, you have to use them correctly every time you have sex. 

There are external (sometimes called male) condoms and internal (sometimes called female) condoms.   


The contraceptive pill 

This is very effective at preventing pregnancy, but it has to be taken every day or it stops working. 

The pill

The injection 

This prevents pregnancy for 8-13 weeks, so there is no need to remember to take anything. But you do need to remember when your next injection is due. 

The contraceptive injection

The implant  

This is a small piece of plastic that is fitted in a woman or transgender man's arm. It prevents pregnancy for three, four or five years depending on the type you get, so there's no need to remember to take anything. But it must be removed or replaced when the time period is up. 

The contraceptive implant

The contraceptive coil

This is a small device that is inserted into the womb to prevent pregnancy. It works for three to ten years. There are two types of coil available: an intra-uterine system (IUS) which uses hormones, and an intra-uterine device (IUD) which is not hormonal. Both are very reliable forms of contraception.

The contraceptive coil

The patch  

This is a small patch that sticks on your skin. It releases hormones through your skin to prevent pregnancy. Each patch lasts for a week and after three weeks, you have a patch-free week.

The patch

Pulling out  

Also known as the ‘withdrawal method’. This is when the penis is taken out of the vagina before ejaculation (or cumming). This is unreliable because you have to pull out before any semen comes out and this is difficult to do.

Pulling out

Emergency contraception  

This is a pill you take after you have had unprotected sex or if something has gone wrong with your usual contraception. Emergency contraception (also called the ‘morning after pill’) can prevent pregnancy, but it shouldn’t be used as your normal form of contraception.

Emergency contraception


This is a surgical procedure which blocks the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the penis. So, when you ejaculate, the semen (fluid from your penis) will not have any sperm in it, so can’t cause pregnancy. This is a permanent type of contraception, so it should only be done if you’re sure you don’t want to have children in the future.


What now?

Some contraception options, like condoms, are available at shops or pharmacies and you can buy them right away. Others you’ll need to speak to your healthcare provider about. You might want to discuss it with your partner too. 

Read more about sharing responsibility for contraception in the ‘in detail’ tab. 

Do I still need to use condoms if I use other contraception?

Condoms are the only type of birth control that protect against HIV and STIs so it’s a good idea to still use condoms. 

Talking to your partner about condoms

What if I’m pregnant but don’t want to be?

You might consider an abortion, which ends a pregnancy after it has started. The availability of abortions can depend on where you live.


Let's talk about the best contraception method for you!

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Looking for more detailed information?

Will using contraception affect my chance of having a baby later on?

No. Unless you’ve chosen a permanent method of birth control, like a vasectomy, it will only work for a certain period of time. Your doctor will explain how long your contraception will last for, and what you need to do when it runs out.

In a relationship, who is responsible for preventing STIs and pregnancy?

You both are. It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship you are in – whether it’s casual, short-term, long-term or you’re married – preventing pregnancy and STIs is a shared responsibility.

It might feel difficult, but the best way to share this responsibility with your partner is to talk to them about contraception. And remember, you have the right to protect yourself from STIs and pregnancy, no matter what anyone else says. 

How can I talk to my partner about contraception?

Think about what you would like to say and when would be a good time to talk about it. It’s good to understand your options and what you think will work for you before you talk things through. You could also ask your partner to go to the doctor with you if you like.

Find out more about talking to your doctor about contraception

Tips on talking to your partner about condoms.

Will I have to pay for contraception?

Many health facilities provide contraceptives for free. If you want to use birth control but are worried about money, speak to your healthcare professional who can advise you. 

What advice can I give to someone who wants to use contraception?

Some people may feel pressured into having children. It's important to let them know that it’s their right to decide if they want to do this or not. If they don’t want to have a baby or are not ready yet, they have the right to choose the contraception method that will work best for them. It could be helpful to talk through their decision with them. Though you might have your own views, it’s important to respect their decisions, be open and do not judge.   

Clear and accurate information about contraception is important. You could talk through the information in this section to help them clarify their needs and know their options.  

Remember, they might feel embarrassed discussing birth control with you. If they are, connect them with a friendly healthcare professional, a helpline or factual online resources, like this site. 

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  • Last updated: 28 May 2024
  • Last full review: 28 May 2024
  • Next full review: 28 May 2027
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