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Internal (female) condoms

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An internal (sometimes called a female) condom is a thin pouch that you put in the vagina or anus before sex. 

Internal condoms: 

What is an internal (female) condom?

It’s a thin pouch made from a soft plastic called nitrile that goes inside the vagina or anus to prevent sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy during sex. People of any gender can use them.

How does an internal (female) condom work?

Semen, vaginal fluids and blood can pass on HIV and STIs. An internal condom acts as a barrier to stop these fluids from entering the body.

Where do I buy internal (female) condoms?

You can often get internal condoms for free from sexual health clinics or doctors. They’re also sold online and in some shops and pharmacies.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of internal (female) condoms?


Condoms are the only type of contraception that prevents HIV and STIs.

Internal condoms are a good alternative to external (male) condoms, because:

  • they can increase the pleasure during sex – they have an inner ring that can stimulate the tip of the penis and an external ring that can stimulate the vulva and clitoris 
  • they’re not made of latex, which some people are sensitive or allergic to 
  • they can be inserted into the vagina up to eight hours before sex, so there are no interruptions in the heat of the moment.
  • they’re larger so the penis has more room, which can make it easier to keep an erection 
  • they do not need an erection to stay in place, so you don’t need to withdraw the penis straight after ejaculation.


  • You have to use them correctly every time you have sex. But this isn’t difficult once you know how! 

If you're still thinking that you don't like condoms, read our blog for tips that might change your mind. 

How do you use an internal (female) condom for vaginal sex?

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Internal condoms are easy to use with a bit of practice. Here’s how: 

  1. Don’t start having sex until you put the condom in. 

  1. Check it hasn’t passed its expiry date. 

  1. Carefully take the condom out of the packet. Don’t use teeth or scissors as these can damage condoms. 

  1. Squeeze the sides of the inner ring (by the closed end of the condom). 

  1. Get into a comfortable position – try lying down or squatting and push the condom inside your vagina. The outer ring should stay outside with the rest as far in as possible. 

  1. Use your hand to guide the penis into the condom.  

  1. Keep the condom in the whole time you have sex. 

  1. After sex, twist the outer ring and pull the condom out. 

  1. Wrap the condom in a tissue and put it in the bin. 


  • Don’t double up! As using an internal condom at the same time as an external one causes friction that can make condoms break. 
  • Use water-based lubricant. Don’t use an oil-based lubricant as this can damage the condom. 
  • Internal condoms can only be used once – just like external condoms.

Read our blog for more tips on how to have great sex when using condoms. 

How do you use an internal (female) condom for anal sex?

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Whatever your gender, you can use internal condoms to protect against STIs, including HIV, during anal sex.  

There are two ways to do this: 

Wear it like an external condom 

  1. Put water-based lubricant (lube) inside the condom and place it on the penis. 

  1. Put plenty more lube on the outside of the condom and around the anus before inserting the penis gradually.  

Putting the condom in the anus before sex 

  1. Use water-based lube around the anus first, then squeeze the inner ring of the condom to form an oval shape and push it into the rectum. 

  1. Put your finger inside the condom and push it as far up as you can. The outer ring should stay outside the anus. Do not try to remove the inner ring, you may break the condom. 

  1. After sex, when you are ready, withdraw the penis. Then twist the external ring a few times and gently pull the condom out ensuring no semen is spilt. 

Make sure you use plenty of lubricant during sex because the anus doesn’t create its own.  

What do I do if a condom splits or breaks?

Condoms rarely break. But if they do, follow these simple steps: 

  1. Withdraw the penis immediately. 

  1. Remove the semen (cum) as much as you can. 

  1. Gently wash the outside of your genitals but avoid washing inside the vagina or anus as this can spread infection. 

  1. If you’ve been having vaginal sex, go to the toilet and pee to flush away any semen. 

  1. If you need to, go to a healthcare facility to get emergency contraception. You may also consider getting post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent HIV.

  1. Get an HIV and STI test. 

Can I use a female condom while on my period?

Yes! An internal condom can be used during your period. Period blood will not affect the condom’s effectiveness. If you want to protect yourself from STIs and unplanned pregnancy, use a condom at all times of your menstrual cycle.

Let's talk about condoms!

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Looking for more detailed information?

What advice can I give to someone about using an internal condom?

If someone is thinking about using internal condoms, the best thing you can do is to give them clear and accurate information, which you can find on this page.  

Try to: 

Respect their decisions: this means their decision to have sex and the type of protection they choose.  

Be open: be prepared to discuss their decision with them and let them know they can ask anything they want; you won’t judge them. 

Respect their privacy: they might feel embarrassed about discussing things to do with sex. If they are, you could give them details of a friendly healthcare professional, a helpline or factual online resources, like this site. 

It is a good idea to discuss both internal and external condoms and mention that internal condoms can be particularly good if they are struggling to use external condoms. 

If we are in a relationship can we stop using condoms?

This will be a personal decision based on what you and your partner are comfortable with.

If you’re still having sex with other people, it’s a good idea to keep using condoms to prevent HIV or STIs. Even if you’re only having sex with each other, you may still want to keep using condoms. This isn’t a sign that you don’t trust your partner. It’s your choice and can show that you care about them and want to protect both of you. 

Before you stop using condoms, you and your partner should test for HIV and other STIs. If one of you has HIV, you can explore using PrEP or taking antiretroviral treatment to avoid passing HIV on to your partner. You may also want find out more about other contraceptive options to prevent pregnancy.

You should have an honest conversation about your decision. Make sure that you both feel comfortable with it. There’s no rush to stop using condoms if you don’t want to.

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  • Last updated: 19 July 2024
  • Last full review: 18 July 2024
  • Next full review: 18 July 2027
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