There's no treatment for the HPV virus, but most types of HPV don’t cause any problems and can go away by themselves.
Genital warts treatment
The treatment options depend on the type of warts you have and where they are located.
Warts may be able to be removed using creams, freezing, heating or surgery. Your healthcare worker will advise which treatment is right for you. However, treatments for genital warts don’t always work. The sooner you seek treatment the easier they are to get rid of.
Although these treatments can remove the warts themselves, there's no cure for the virus that causes the warts. Some people’s bodies, however, are able to clear the virus over time.
You should always check with a healthcare worker before using treatments for genital warts.
Abnormal cells and cervical cancer
If a cervical screening test shows you have abnormal cells on the cervix, it may be necessary to remove them so that they don’t develop into cancer.
If they find that the cells are cancerous, cervical screening means that it’s often found at an early stage so it can be treated successfully with surgery.